Sebuah tulisan yang pernah diupload di chirpstory pada 17 Juni 2018 dengan link Chirpstory akan berakhir di Desember 2020.
Connection are basis for Shaping The Future
Hari kedua Syawal dipush nulis tentang essence. Hari ketiga (hari ini), tentang Connecting.. let's start with.. Interconnecting Mobile Market at Saguling's Village
Mudik = Find the essence Stock shoot Typology Research Natural insight Base flow
Silence is golden When you can 'hear' nature If not, just spread your bubbles..till nature speak
Nasib dapet ilmu ori langsung dari mbahnya,ya wayahna kudu di-share. Kalo dari buku (kata seorang arsitek ternama- ilmu dr buku mah kw <- istilah kasarnya, kalo halusnya:gerbang buat cari yg ori-gurunya)..baiklah. Let's start with the ship, before we talk about lead
Here, in Pasar Bunder. The market only open at Sunday. But at another village, there were market in every specific days. The seller are the same, but the buyer are different. Different point.
The seller enjoy the condition. They bring their goods like vegetables, fruit, spices, and househeld with boat. Crossing the Saguling Dam, every 2-3 day, depending where is public market scheduled.
The market was always cultivated with updated news when its held. Every stakeholder of the market is bringing something to "deliver",
FLEXIBLE NON PERMANENT HUB - There're permanent port in the other side of the 'gulf', we called it Dermaga Bunder. But when the market day come, this port's moving to closer area to the market. So, to deliver 'message', is depend on the level of occurence.
This is the most unique creature that you won't found in outer area of Saguling Dam's Mobile Market. We called it "Gurilem". Spicy cracker with random color. Some time the seller bring it on 9feet tall bag. But at 7am, The gurilem is almost vanished. One small bag: @rp5000.
So, from this mobile-flexible market I can figure 5 insight for my #systemthinking paper
1. Just chase the market with more speed, and closer. Create new hub, flexible hub.
2. Connection is the main priority in every level of market structure. Sometime leave the mainstream ways will wider your perspective
3. Creates an event for every single ideas. Not for selling your self but connected your ideas with the respond. Here, The iceberg was moving, and figured as boat
4. You will not be able to figure characteristic of new market in one row akcnowledgement process. You must create parallel or layered timeline to "shape it" in one theme.
5. Shape the goals. And goals is always in future. And future are still in your mind.
Yes. Get your mind always be shaped and don't forget, mind your step
Teorinya gituu
Teori adalah pembuat lapar yang paling lezat . Let's vanish the gurilem!
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